Our Exquisite Forest is an international collaborative drawing project. This project is inviting participation from artists who are carers, such as those that care for children, elders, and other species.

Inspired by Bruno Munari's book, drawing a tree, and the Surrealist game The Exquisite Corpse, each artist draws a section of a tree branch from large branch to tiny twigs.
Once complete, each tree branch will make its way back to its origins to be amalgamated into a large tree.

This artwork coincides with a growing interest in the ecology of trees and forests and their networks, and the idea that forests are collaborative and caring, as we too can be.

About the Artist
Sarah Cullen currently lives on Menecing, in Toronto. She founded the artist-parent project MOTHRA which runs child-inclusive residencies for artists who are carers of parents of young children. This project was first developed with her family during an artists' residency during which time they worked together focusing on the ecology and narratives of the forest.


©Sarah Cullen 2020

This project has been supported by the Canada Council for the Arts, and Ontario Arts Council.